
Picture of Jonathan Krause

Hey, my name is Jonathan — I’m a Software Engineer (you know those job titles). I am currently living in Germany, working full-time as a Senior Software Engineer at Adevinta (formerly eBay Classifieds Group), where I mainly concentrate on DevOps, Kubernetes, GCP and AWS Platform Tooling, JavaScript, Node.js, embedding applications in a distributed, micro-service oriented public cloud landscape. Agile development with Kanban or Scrum influence my daily work since 2012.
I am a passionate, pragmatic developer, believing in Unix philosophy form- and function-wise. I love effective and fast user interfaces that bring real value to people. I appreciate logical, user-centered design approaches. Therefore I strive to use technologies and methodologies that deliver the best possible user experience, trying to concentrate on simple, focused and concise development.
Besides that I love exploring our planet and traveling the world, I’am obsessed with riding motorbikes and enjoy people that take themselves not too seriously.

Feel free to send me a tweet or just drop me an email whenever you want. You can find me also on Github and occasionally on Xing or LinkedIn.